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V&V services provides a scope of mental and behavioral health services that includes mental health skill building, outpatient therapy and groups (anger management, social skills, parenting skills).

Prior to admission, explain to applicant/individual services available.

Individual receives support acquiring/accessing all services   determined by ISP, as follows: Medical, Psychological,

Service   Coordination and Nutritional Evaluation. 

  • Community supports to include, Day Support or Employment Opportunities.  Accessing various community resources, such as housing,  obtaining and maintaining benefits and support groups.

  • Skill Building includes: All Social Skills, Hygiene, and Money Management.  Self and Environmental Awareness, Adapting Behavior to Social and Community Settings.

  • Organizational Compliance shall include: Implementation, Measurement and completion of Goals and Objectives.  Quarterly Reviews shall analyze data and ensure goals are met.

  • Root cause analysis will be used as a improvement tool:

    1. Organizational Trends, Ethical and Moral Principles

    2. Technological Improvement a process used to increase    


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