Mental Health Skillbuilding Agency
V&V services provides a scope of mental and behavioral health services that includes mental health skill building, outpatient therapy and groups (anger management, social skills, parenting skills).
Prior to admission, explain to applicant/individual services available.
Individual receives support acquiring/accessing all services determined by ISP, as follows: Medical, Psychological,
Service Coordination and Nutritional Evaluation.
Community supports to include, Day Support or Employment Opportunities. Accessing various community resources, such as housing, obtaining and maintaining benefits and support groups.
Skill Building includes: All Social Skills, Hygiene, and Money Management. Self and Environmental Awareness, Adapting Behavior to Social and Community Settings.
Organizational Compliance shall include: Implementation, Measurement and completion of Goals and Objectives. Quarterly Reviews shall analyze data and ensure goals are met.
Root cause analysis will be used as a improvement tool:
1. Organizational Trends, Ethical and Moral Principles
2. Technological Improvement a process used to increase